Sunday, October 30, 2011

Leaving California

I am excited to be in Austria but right now I am tired and adjusting to how different EVERYTHING is, and to be honest it is making me a bit miserable... (I think this is partially hereditary as I come from a family who is most comfortable with the familiarity of home). I know this will pass, and I am excited to explore, but as of right now I’m overwhelmed by how fast things have happened in the last week.

One week ago today Jordan got home from a game in Las Vegas and was not happy. He said "I want to go to Europe" and I willingly agreed. After all, going to Europe was our initial plan all summer but nothing ever panned out. I did not think that anything would actually happen. I fed the little kittens I was fostering and went to bed thinking nothing of it.

Sunday morning he emailed his agent to ask if there were any opportunities and to both of our surprise he got a response! There was an opportunity in Klagenfurt, Austria and they wanted him there ASAP. Austria is a great place for hockey and neither of us thought he would get such a great opportunity. Everything fell into place for a break that could just not be turned down and before you know it we were packing up our life. This happened within a day.

I was fostering three little kittens from the local animal shelter (as mentioned above) and it broke my heart to have to give them back before they were ready to be adopted (fortunately they went to another foster home). I still miss them so much and cried the whole day I had to give them back. I get way too attached. I would have brought them all with me if I could have...though Jordan will not let me have any pets.
<><><> The kittens...

Moe (the sweet and quiet one)
Gilly (the wild one who loves attention)

Sid/Mittens/Mr. Mistofoless (the tiniest one with the hardest bite)

Finding a new place for the kittens was only one of many things that had to be done within two days. Jordan had to sell his car, the Cavi. This was one of the highlights for me HAHA. I never thought he would be getting rid of this car and now there was an excuse for it to go. We posted an Ad online but ended up selling it to one of his friends. There are a lot of memories that go along with that car and Jordan wasn't so sure about letting it go. I convinced him it was the ONLY option.
Goodbye Cavi!
Our flights were booked, our bags were packed, our life seemed like it was in order, and we said goodbye to California. Our flight left from LAX and flew to Munich (longest flight of my life to date), and from Munich to Klagenfurt. We left at 9pm on Wednesday night and arrived in Klagenfurt at 9pm on Thursday night. We were both able to get a bit of rest on the plane but unfortunately I was not well on the long trip to Munich. Most importantly we arrived in Klagenfurt safely and our luggage did too... and I can't even get started on luggage and the minimal amount of winter clothing I have as I was prepared for a year in Cali.

So now we are here! I have compiled a short list of things I will miss about California.... (I will also do a list about things I love about Klagenfurt as soon as I explore a bit more)
1. The weather of course. I do love the four seasons but no one ever wants to leave sunny CA!

2. The beach. Fortunately we got a day in Laguna the week before we left.

2. The people. I was just getting to know people on the team and in the community. Jordan's teammates were all so nice, I had just made some friends (Alyssa and her family), and the people at the animal shelter knew me on a first name basis as I was in there every other day.

3. The food. What a change here... I will do my intro to Klagenfurt post later... but I miss the food that I am familiar with. I loved being in the land of Panera, Outback, and In-N-Out burger!!!

4. The kittens... how could I leave them out haha. My mom knows how in love with them I am. Just hoping they all go to great homes :)

5. The time change. Three hours behind my family back home concerned them. Now I am six hours ahead of them! Hopefully it's not too hard to adjust to this 9 hour difference. Right now I feel like I have not slept in days.

6. Automatic cars. I love that we have a new car to drive around; unfortunately I cannot drive it. I have never learned to drive standard before and Jordan is not the best teacher. I'm trying my best to learn but I am horrible and it is so frustrating. I am hoping I have it figured out by the end of the week.

7. English. People speak German here. Everyone seems to know a tiny bit of English so we can get by but ideally I would like to learn as much German as I can!

8. This doesn’t really have anything to do with Cali but I had booked a flight from there to Florida at Christmas to spend time with my family and that is no longer happening.

That is all for now.  As much as I will miss California I am excited to be in Europe and cannot wait for things to come.  It has already been an exciting and crazy three days.  If I was adjusted to the time I’m sure I would be in a much better mood and in less of a haze!

Gute Nacht! (Goodnight) xoxo