Wednesday, November 7, 2012

One Year Later

One year later I think my life is not interesting enough to keep blogging (joking, just not as interesting as it was)! I am no longer travelling "Here, There, and Everywhere" and have decided to spend a year at home. This was a difficult decision.  Turning down a hockey season (aka an adventure) is always hard! Not to mention, Jordan is in San Francisco this year, one of my favourite places. 

First of all I will do a quick recap of how I got to where I am since leaving off in April?! Jordan came back to Toronto for the summer and we had an AMAZING time living in the city. I landed a legal job (something I have always wanted) literally across the road from the apartment we rented and it could not have been better. It was an amazing time to catch up with friends that had not all been together in years. By far one of the best summers to date and I can't see us being all together again for awhile (and therefore so thankful that it happened). 

Summer 2012
When I came back from Austria last year I decided to take on the project of saving my childhood skating club from folding. I contacted the Past President just to check in on how things were going and he broke the news that after over two decades of great skating, Ice Fyre was going to fold. My friend Jackie and I (another former Ice Fyre skater) took it upon ourselves to try and save the club and start fresh with a young group of skaters. At first my expectations were not high and I continually told myself it would be the decision maker as to whether or not I would go with Jordan for the 2012/2013 season... If I was able to form a team I would stay in Whitby and coach, if I could not then I would go to San Francisco. Either way, I would be a very happy girl! 

The more work we put into saving the club the more I wanted it to succeed. When we held our first tryout in April we only had four skaters come out (we needed at least eight) and we started to lose faith. Our fight to keep it together was not over and we worked hard over the summer to find skaters in hopes of having a better turnout in September. We were more than overjoyed when 13 little skaters appeared at our tryout in the fall.  My happiness was bittersweet; I would be staying in Whitby for the hockey season and missing out on a year in San Francisco. 

So that brings me to now.  I have the cutest little beginner synchronized skating team whose theme this year is “California Girls,” a mix of Katy Perry and the Beach Boys (seeing as how I cannot be in California this year, this is the “California” in my life).  We practice every Sunday and it is the best two hours of my week.  Not too mention a few Ice Fyre Alumni come together to help me out (which is so thoughtful and very appreciated) and it is always great to see them (Brooke, Val, Jackie, Amanda). 

I am living the commuter life and working a legal position in Toronto.  That’s about as interesting as that gets (haha). 

I have been to San Fran for one visit this season and had an amazing time.  Great food, good shopping, a free bluegrass festival at Golden Gate Park, and my favourite part of the trip… getting drive through In-N-Out Burger, driving too an amazing spot off of HWY 1, and watching the sunset over the Pacific.  I am looking forward to my next trip over the Christmas holidays.  We have big plans!  Christmas in Lake Tahoe with the team, skydiving, and Jordan’s family is coming out over new years. 

Not my picture, but this was our view eating In-N-Out in our rental car
Although I miss Jordan it is nice to be at home with my family.  I miss them a lot when I am away and we spend a lot of time together when we are all at home.

That is all for now.  Hopefully I have more exciting things to write about as the year goes on :)

Friday, March 2, 2012

Flashback Friday

I was going through a few old emails and found this picture...

Jackie, Chelsea, Britt, Brooke, Jenna, and me at Wonderland
 EVERYTHING about it made me laugh, the closed eyes really put it over the top.  Such great memories with amazing friends.  I figure skated with these girls on "Ice Fyre" and at this time in our lives we were attached at the hip.  We were always together, even when we weren't at the rink.  Even on the forgettable/unforgettable night that I met Jordan in Peterborough.

Don't you just love our matching team Canada jackets?  We were at Canada's Wonderland for the day... not a competition of anything... Or our flared jeans? I'm pretty sure Brooke and I both had fake hair scrunchies in.  Hot, right? I think the skateboard shoes and flared jeans will rotate back into fashion at some point.. NOT.

I love looking at all pictures.  I will need to keep up with flashback Fridays!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Happy Birthday Baby Sister!

Yesterday was my baby sisters bithday... Stef isn't a baby anymore, she turned 18!!  Where does the time go.  It feels like just yesterday I was the one turning 18.  She celebrated by going skating with a couple of her close friends at the "Shops at Don Mills" and then went for dinner.  The rest of us went shopping, hungout at Starbuck's, and went for dinner at Joey.

Stef, Lauren, and Pascale with their cakepops at Starbucks
The After Party
Stef popped a bottle of Bambino
The rest of us a Starbucks
For Stef's birthday I signed us both up for sewing lessons at Whitby Fabrics.  It is a two hour class every Tuesday for the next seven weeks.  Look for our summer fashion line in a month or so...

Stef you are the smartest, funniest, most  beautiful 18 year old Mackie in our immediate family.  Love your big sister Mel. xoxo

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Family Day... or Father's Day?

Monday was family day and we all had the day off of work.  The whole family went to the new Panera at Young and Dundas in Toronto and then to the Toronto Auto Show.  It is my dad's favourite time of year.  He went multiple times this past weekend, and may go again before it's over.  We are all into cars, so we were happy to accompany him.
My Favourite
Stef and Brooke
Stef and me in the convertible Smart Car

I have been so busy lately I have not had time to write.  I have been covering for people at work and have avoided looking at a computer screen when not in the office.  I wish I was a more dedicated blogger!  There are so many things I want to write about (my sister's newly decorated room, sewing lessons, job hunting) but I just haven't had time.  I will make sure to post again soon with a big update.


Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sunday Starbucks

We are dog-sitting Lacey for the week and unlike our own dog, this one requires exercise.  Starbuck's is just up the road and we will likely be walking her there everyday this week.  A Skinny Vanilla Latte is a nice treat and a great incentive to go for a walk.  We now have another excuse to go, Lacey needs her exercise!  Lacey is only two years old and Keltie (our dog) is twelve.  She has a hard time keeping up, so we bring her stroller just in case she gets worn out and can't make the trek back.  Brooke (my sister) bought it for her before she went to Florida with the family this year.

I know what you are all thinking... "a dog stroller? really?"  Yes really.  Keltie is a little dog, with little legs, and is an old lady.  She does her best to keep up but she's not the best walker anymore.  Our family enjoys going for walks and instead of leaving Keltie out, we opted for the stroller.  We get ridiculous looks, and I feel pretty silly pushing her around in it haha, but it's a good laugh :)

Oh and they need their sweaters too!  It was cold out today, and just like us, they need to keep warm :)

Happy Superbowl Sunday!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Bitch Please

I always put on a smile and do my best to act like nothing bothers me, even when dealing with people who have been hurtful towards my family, friends, and myself at one time or another.  After an encounter with someone I don’t like that has disrespected me (or someone I love) I get mad at myself for being so fake and phony, pretending like everything is all good...  If someone is going to treat me poorly, why do I need to act like its ok?  It is not ok. 

In fact, being too nice is a serious problem.  There are many books written about “Nice Girl Syndrome” and “People-Pleasers.”  Just like nice guys, nice girls finish last.  For real.
People that are too nice are doormats and get walked over ALL the time.  Well I’m sick of it.  I’m so mad at myself for being the fake phony person that puts on a smile even if I can’t stand the person and their disrespectful ways.  Of course this is the mature thing to do, and I always tell myself that I am “killing them with kindness”, but one of these days I want to have enough courage to just be a total BITCH.  I need to get a “take no shit from anyone” attitude and start applying it.  I don't want to get confrontational (confrontation scares me haha), I just want to turn my back and walk away from hurtful people (this is as far as bitchiness would go for me).
Being “too nice” sucks.  People use you and will do so repeatedly if you don’t stand up for yourself.
Easier said than done right?  At the end of the day it is always easier for me to smile and keep my true feelings to myself.  Then again, maybe I have it right and "killing with kindness" has some truth to it...

Maple Leaf Square

I just love it there!  Can't wait to move in on May 1...
Here's hoping we survive a summer in 400 square feet.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I'm not pregnant, or engaged, but I consider this big news...

Life at home is the same old... I don't like waking up for work every morning, I don't like the snowy weather here, and I put X's through each day that passes on my calendar, hoping I will be back in Europe soon.  Not fun.  I miss the hockey life, BIG TIME.  Jordan, can I come back now PLEASE?!?!

Jordan's life in Lillehammer seems just as dull as mine at the moment.  All he does is eat, sleep, and play hockey.  He misses me (of course), because eating and sleeping are way more fun with me than by himself!  I am still debating as to whether or not I will rejoin him this season.  I am going to Disney with the family in March and may head to Norway after if his team is still doing well.

Aside from working and making some money I have been spending lots of time with the family and got together with some great friends this weekend, Jenna and Christyne.  I wish I had a picture to post but once I'm home I rarely take pictures.  Jenna has a few on her amazing new camera so I will need to get one off of her :)

So onto the BIG NEWS!

Jordan and are proud renters of a condo in the city for the summer.  We always talk about being right downtown for a summer and it is FINALLY happening (so yes I do consider this a big deal).  Last week I went downtown with his mom to check out a few places and felt as though I was on an episode of "House Hunters Toronto"... 

Option One
- A one bedroom, 700 square foot, furnished apartment in Liberty Village.  "Bliss" condo amenities included a small gym and an indoor pool.  The condo was furnished and included cable and Internet.  Sorry for the really low quality pictures, I took them on my phone. 

Size (big bedroom and big open room)
Social (we have friends in the same building)

Old furniture and poorly decorated (messy during viewing as well)
Five minute street car ride from the downtown core (not that its really far)
Small balcony (standing room only)

I was really disappointed the place wasn't well put together!  I probably wouldn't have been so critical if it was neat and tidy.  Unfortunately, we are only living there for four months and need a place that doesn't need any changes.  Otherwise, I would love to get my hands on this place and give it a makeover.

Option Two
- A 400 square foot, bachelor apartment in, Maple Leaf Square.  It is also furnished and includes cable and internet.  Building amenities include an indoor pool, an outdoor pool, steam rooms, a large gym, a grocery store in the building, connection to Union Station (the train station) and the rest of PATH.  Basically if you never wanted to leave the building, you wouldn't have to.

Brand new furniture
Big balcony + a view
Amenities... so many amenities
In the heart of the city

Small... soooooo small
Would be difficult to entertain
No bedroom, murphy bed

I loved this building!  It is such a happening place and I could easily picture myself enjoying life there.  Big downfall is it is only one big room.  Jordan and I would not be able to get away from each other unless one of us left the the house. 

Decisions decisions...  BOTH were the same price!


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Little Things

I have been home now for five days and have quickly adjusted to real life.  Back to the 9-5 office job.  Oh how I miss my sleep In's!  I LOVE to sleep.  Now that I am waking up at 7:30am I need to be in bed by 10pm...I'm so old.  I will blame it on the jet lag.  Up until this past week I would roll out of bed around 10am everyday, make myself breakfast, and catch up on all of my favourite shows.  Now I wake up a half hour before I need to leave for work, throw on an outfit I picked out the night before, make a coffee and bagel, and hit the road.  My job involves sitting at my desk working with numbers all day.  Fun fun.

Anyways, other then the obvious big changes to my day to day life there are so many other little changes from life in Europe!

Light switches
With the exception of light switches, just about everything in Europe is tinier compared to North America.

The flusher's are different, the toilets are often located in a separate closet type room within the home, and bidets are usually close by. 

I really enjoyed driving standard after I figured it out and I miss it now.  When I got home to my Jeep (which is automatic) I pulled out of my driveway accidentally driving with two feet (one on the break and one on the gas)...I was tired, give me a break haha.  European cars are standard, smaller, take diesel, and for the most part, are hatchbacks.  I'm not a fan of anything that resembles a van, and a hatchback is too close for my liking. I <3 my jeep.
So many hatchbacks!

These are just a few of the little differences.  There are the obvious BIG differences (language, food, shopping), but it's funny to come home and notice the little things.

There are many things I'm missing about Austria.  The mountain views! The people... everyone I knew there was so friendly.  The coffee (so good).  The McDonald's menu (it's healthier and the dollar menu has cappuccino's on it).

Love homing and being with my family.  Missing my relaxed European life.  How many days 'till Lilly?!?!  

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Mel=Toronto, Jordan=Lillehammer

Lillehamer...a winter wonderland
It has been a crazy couple weeks and I have had no time to write.  I booked my flight for home about 10 days ago, and two days after Jordan found out he was going to finish out his season in Lillehammer, Norway.  It was not great timing.  The whole reason I was going home is I did not want to overstay my 90 days in Europe.  Due to the fact that Jordan and I are not married, I was not able to get a Visa to stay in Austria.  Without a Visa, I could not stay in Europe for more than 90 days and I am not allowed to return until I have been home for 90 days.  I’m not 100% sure of the consequences, but I did not want to find out.  I have always been one to stick to the rules and figured I better just come.
I had my mind wrapped around coming back to “real life” and had arranged to get back to work.  My flight was booked, a “red ticket” with not option to change, and I started to pack.  Then, as mentioned above, Jordan settled on a deal with a team in Norway to finish out his season.  This happened quickly and we had NO IDEA he would be going there.  Norway is not part of the European Union and I could have gone.  The 90 day rule would not have applied and I could have spent the rest of the season with Jordan.  Not only that he was scheduled to leave two days after he accepted the offer… which was four days before I was to go home.  Worst timing!  I really jumped the gun on this one.  If I had not committed to work, I would not have come home.  I am going back to help at the family business and don’t want to bail when they do so much to accommodate me.
Last coffee at the airport
Goodbye :(
Jordan left for Norway on Tuesday and we enjoyed our last couple days in Klagenfurt together.  It was hard to say goodbye as always.  We went for a couple nice dinners before he left, packed up our lives, and I dropped him at the airport where we enjoyed one last coffee together.  I had the responsibility of dropping off our car at the dealership and then they dropped me off  at Joey and Michelle’s (they were nice enough to take me in for the few days I had left there).  Once Jordan was gone I just wanted to get home.  I was mad about our bad timing and the fact that I would not be joining him in Norway… I’m still mad about it, but not much I can do now!
My last few days in Klagenfurt were great.  I took in my last KAC game, and attended a baby shower for two of the wives.  It was great to get together with all the girls one last time and say goodbye to all of them.  Everyone on this team was great and it was so nice to have 18+ girls around!  Goodbyes are always hard but hopefully I will see them again in the future.  Most of the imports live within an hour of my hometown anyways!
The amazing cake Melissa made for the baby shower
If you need a cake made she's the best!
Click here to check 'em out! 
I lived out of my carryon bag for the last few days and left the rest of my bags in the trunk of a car.  No need to carry them up and down stairs.  Annie did me a huge favour and drove me to the airport on Friday morning for my 6AM flight.  THANK YOU ANNIE, I appreciate you getting up at 4AM to drive me!  I was on my way and arrived back in Toronto yesterday afternoon.  It was so great to see my family after four months of being away!  We ordered in Chinese food and had a quiet night in.
Fortunately jet lag isn’t hitting me.  I was able to stay up till 11 last night and feel like I’m adjusting well to the time.  Today I got a Starbucks, got my hair done (sooooo overdue), and I am attending a party tonight.  Right back into the swing of things!  I start work on Monday and I’m looking forward to making some moola.
Jordan is starting to settle in Lillehammer.  It’s been a whirlwind of a year from Cali, to Klagenfurt, to Lilly.  Warm weather to the North Pole!  I have decided that I am going to work until the beginning of March, go to Florida with my family for vacation, head to Lillehammer mid-month, stay until the end of the season, travel around Europe for a bit when it’s over, use our original return flights back to Cali from Klagenfurt, spend a bit of time in Cali, and then come home for the summer.  Hopefully this all goes according to plan and Jordan’s team continues to play well.  Playoffs end the beginning of April so here’s hoping they go far!
I need to go get ready for tonight’s party but I will write about Jordan’s first couple days in Norway and how I’m adjusting to NA life soon!  I will add some more pictures as well.  Short on time right now... party time :)  Just wanted to let everyone know what’s going on in our crazy lives!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year! Frohes Neues! My Resolution is...

NYE Wheeling 08/09
This year, like most years, Jordan and I stayed in for NYE.  One of the less glamours aspects of hockey is there are always games around "party" hollidays (i.e. Halloween, NYE).  The team had a game January first so it was the usual low key NYE.  Not a problem with either of us, going out on new years is too expensive and overrated, right?!?!  We just keep telling ourselves that.  I feel like the last NYE we went out we were 19 and at the Vibe in Peterborough!  Joking, he did go to college and I think I remember going out for NYE in Wheeling, WV... must have been a good one if a barely remember it!

We went for a nice dinner at am AMAZING steak house the night before with a few other couples.  It was one of the best steaks I have ever had.  The restaurant was nothing fancy but the meal was to die for.  The steak cooked on the hot stone underneath it so you could eat it as rare or well cooked as you like.

Our actual NYE was spent at home doing a puzzle of the Toronto Skyline that we found at the grocery store.  We popped a bottle of champagne, watched multiple concerts on TV, and puzzled away until midnight.  It sounded like we were in a war zone come countdown time.  Everyone around us did their own fireworks show and everywhere you looked there was lights and smoke.  We sat out on our balcony taking it all in until it was too cold.  I wish I had a picutre of the fireworks but my camera is horrible and doesn't do them justice.

New Year’s Resolution
I never stick to my new years resolutions.  It is always something ridiculous like workout everyday, not buy Tim Hortons for a year, put major restraints on my shopping budget... (I know these are all possible but my will power is weak)

So this year I chose something simple but important:
It's weird but I go days without having a single glass.  I HATE pop, always have, and when I am dyeing of thirst I have a glass of juice.  So not healthy!  I only like water if it is freezing cold and I am boiling hot.  Time to make a change.  Look at all the great things water consumption will do!

I am starting by drinking a full glass in the morning, noon, and night.  Hopefully I can start consuming more as time goes on.  I even have a great reminder to put on the fridge.

Hope everyone is sticking to their resolutions, afterall it's only day three haha!  Goodluck and all the best to everyone in 2012.  Twelve Jordan's and my fav. # so it's bound to be a good one!