Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sunday Starbucks

We are dog-sitting Lacey for the week and unlike our own dog, this one requires exercise.  Starbuck's is just up the road and we will likely be walking her there everyday this week.  A Skinny Vanilla Latte is a nice treat and a great incentive to go for a walk.  We now have another excuse to go, Lacey needs her exercise!  Lacey is only two years old and Keltie (our dog) is twelve.  She has a hard time keeping up, so we bring her stroller just in case she gets worn out and can't make the trek back.  Brooke (my sister) bought it for her before she went to Florida with the family this year.

I know what you are all thinking... "a dog stroller? really?"  Yes really.  Keltie is a little dog, with little legs, and is an old lady.  She does her best to keep up but she's not the best walker anymore.  Our family enjoys going for walks and instead of leaving Keltie out, we opted for the stroller.  We get ridiculous looks, and I feel pretty silly pushing her around in it haha, but it's a good laugh :)

Oh and they need their sweaters too!  It was cold out today, and just like us, they need to keep warm :)

Happy Superbowl Sunday!


  1. Of course! I just checked out your blog and enjoyed reading the make-up reviews. I hardly ever change up my make-up routine but it's nice to know what's out there if I decide to switch it up one day:) Love it!!

  2. Thank you for following my blog, I m following you back :-)
