Sunday, February 26, 2012

Happy Birthday Baby Sister!

Yesterday was my baby sisters bithday... Stef isn't a baby anymore, she turned 18!!  Where does the time go.  It feels like just yesterday I was the one turning 18.  She celebrated by going skating with a couple of her close friends at the "Shops at Don Mills" and then went for dinner.  The rest of us went shopping, hungout at Starbuck's, and went for dinner at Joey.

Stef, Lauren, and Pascale with their cakepops at Starbucks
The After Party
Stef popped a bottle of Bambino
The rest of us a Starbucks
For Stef's birthday I signed us both up for sewing lessons at Whitby Fabrics.  It is a two hour class every Tuesday for the next seven weeks.  Look for our summer fashion line in a month or so...

Stef you are the smartest, funniest, most  beautiful 18 year old Mackie in our immediate family.  Love your big sister Mel. xoxo

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Family Day... or Father's Day?

Monday was family day and we all had the day off of work.  The whole family went to the new Panera at Young and Dundas in Toronto and then to the Toronto Auto Show.  It is my dad's favourite time of year.  He went multiple times this past weekend, and may go again before it's over.  We are all into cars, so we were happy to accompany him.
My Favourite
Stef and Brooke
Stef and me in the convertible Smart Car

I have been so busy lately I have not had time to write.  I have been covering for people at work and have avoided looking at a computer screen when not in the office.  I wish I was a more dedicated blogger!  There are so many things I want to write about (my sister's newly decorated room, sewing lessons, job hunting) but I just haven't had time.  I will make sure to post again soon with a big update.


Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sunday Starbucks

We are dog-sitting Lacey for the week and unlike our own dog, this one requires exercise.  Starbuck's is just up the road and we will likely be walking her there everyday this week.  A Skinny Vanilla Latte is a nice treat and a great incentive to go for a walk.  We now have another excuse to go, Lacey needs her exercise!  Lacey is only two years old and Keltie (our dog) is twelve.  She has a hard time keeping up, so we bring her stroller just in case she gets worn out and can't make the trek back.  Brooke (my sister) bought it for her before she went to Florida with the family this year.

I know what you are all thinking... "a dog stroller? really?"  Yes really.  Keltie is a little dog, with little legs, and is an old lady.  She does her best to keep up but she's not the best walker anymore.  Our family enjoys going for walks and instead of leaving Keltie out, we opted for the stroller.  We get ridiculous looks, and I feel pretty silly pushing her around in it haha, but it's a good laugh :)

Oh and they need their sweaters too!  It was cold out today, and just like us, they need to keep warm :)

Happy Superbowl Sunday!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Bitch Please

I always put on a smile and do my best to act like nothing bothers me, even when dealing with people who have been hurtful towards my family, friends, and myself at one time or another.  After an encounter with someone I don’t like that has disrespected me (or someone I love) I get mad at myself for being so fake and phony, pretending like everything is all good...  If someone is going to treat me poorly, why do I need to act like its ok?  It is not ok. 

In fact, being too nice is a serious problem.  There are many books written about “Nice Girl Syndrome” and “People-Pleasers.”  Just like nice guys, nice girls finish last.  For real.
People that are too nice are doormats and get walked over ALL the time.  Well I’m sick of it.  I’m so mad at myself for being the fake phony person that puts on a smile even if I can’t stand the person and their disrespectful ways.  Of course this is the mature thing to do, and I always tell myself that I am “killing them with kindness”, but one of these days I want to have enough courage to just be a total BITCH.  I need to get a “take no shit from anyone” attitude and start applying it.  I don't want to get confrontational (confrontation scares me haha), I just want to turn my back and walk away from hurtful people (this is as far as bitchiness would go for me).
Being “too nice” sucks.  People use you and will do so repeatedly if you don’t stand up for yourself.
Easier said than done right?  At the end of the day it is always easier for me to smile and keep my true feelings to myself.  Then again, maybe I have it right and "killing with kindness" has some truth to it...

Maple Leaf Square

I just love it there!  Can't wait to move in on May 1...
Here's hoping we survive a summer in 400 square feet.